The Village of Fairfax has contracted with the Hamilton County Building Department for all permits EXCEPT for fencing and storage sheds of a certain size.  For all other projects in the Village, whether a permit is needed from Hamilton County or not,  first apply for a Zoning Certificate (form below) and submit it to the Zoning Officer at [email protected] or mail to Village of Fairfax, 5903 Hawthorne Ave, Fairfax, OH  45227.

The Zoning Officer will review the project to ensure that the proposed use is allowable in that zone – a review of permitted or conditional uses as well as review for compliance with setbacks, heights of buildings, signage, landscaping and in the case of properties located within the Red Bank Road or Wooster Pike Architectural Review Districts (AROs), make sure the projects comply with the established guidelines.  Within the AROs, new buildings/remodeling of current buildings (outside facade), modifications to a site’s landscaping, signage, ingress/egress, are all items that must first be reviewed and approved by the Fairfax Planning Commission.  See below for Fairfax Zoning Code and applicable chapters for the AROs)

A proposed development may require review by the Village Planning Commission as well.  See the Fairfax Zoning Code for more informaiton on this process.  The Planning Commissin meets on an as-needed basis.  All projects must first be submitted to the Village Zoning Officer and he will determine if the project requires Planning Commission involvement.

Once a Zoning Certificate is issued by the Zoning Officer, you can apply for a permit with Hamilton County (if applicable).  Information about their process can be found on their website (link below) or by contacting them at 513-946-4550.

Zoning Application 1-2019


Village of Fairfax Zoning Map Eff 4-3-2023


Fairfax Planning Commission

  • Chairperson – Vice Mayor
  • Mayor
  • Secretary/Clerk
  • 3 resident members