March 18, 2020 @ 5:46 pm – April 17, 2020 @ 6:46 pm

For non-emergency law enforcement help, please call the Police Department.  For emergencies, contact 9-1-1 as usual.

          If you wish to drop off tax documents, please take them to the Police Department window inside the Police Department entry door.  

          If you need to contact the Tax Department, Mayor, Administrator, or other Village personnel, please do so by email, fax, telephone, or drop box located at the window.


Key Contact Numbers:

Police Department:  513-271-7250

Mayor:  513-527-6504

Administrator:  513-527-6503

Fiscal Officer:  513-527-6505

Tax Department:  513-527-6506

Tax Department Fax:  513-561-5748


The building will re-open when it is safe to do so.  Please check the Village’s website (fairfaxoh.com) and Facebook page for additional contact information and updates.